- Psychology Degree 心理學學位 (Upper Iowa University 美國上愛荷華大學)
- Applied Psychology Diploma 應用心理學文憑 (HKBU SCE 浸會大學持續教育學院)
- Special Education Diploma 特殊教育文憑 (HKU Space香港大學專業進修學院)
- Applied Managment & Organiztional Psychology Certificate 應用管理及組織心理學證書 (HKBU SCE)
- Counseling & Psychotheraphy Certificate 輔導與心理治療導論證書 (HKBU SCE)
- Professional Certificate in Sport Mental Coaching 運動心理教練專業證書 (CityU Scope)
- Society of Professional Training Certificate 感覺統合基礎理論證書 (HKSPT)
- Society of Professional Training Certificate 認識感覺處理障礙證書 (HKSPT)
Psychotheraphy Cert 精神治療與心理分析 (SP Study Center)
- UK Edexcel Level 5 BTEC Graphic Design HND Diploma 英國平面設計系高級國家文憑 (UK Edexcel BTEC)
- Graphic Design Associate Degree 平面設計系副學士學位 (Caritas Bianchi College of Careers)
- DIP Flower Diploma (Madoka Flower Design School, Japan)
- MESH Flower Diploma (Madoka Flower Design School, Japan)
- Projective Drawing Interpretation Certificate (SP Study Center)
- ATCL Piano Recital Level 4 Dip in Music Performance 鋼琴演奏文憑 (Trinity College London英國倫敦聖三一)
- G8 Piano Certificate with Merit 英國皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴[良好] (ABRSM英國皇家音樂學院)
- G8 Theory Certificate 英國皇家音樂學院八級樂理證書 (ABRSM英國皇家音樂學院)
- Best Teacher Award 傑出教師獎 (HKPYAF)
- Performance Piano Professional Diploma with Merit 鋼琴演奏專業文憑 (CUHK SCS)
- Vocal Training Certificate 聲樂訓練證書 (HKU Space香港大學專業進修學院)
- Piano Pedagogy Diploma with Merit 鋼琴教學文憑 (HKIIM 香港國際音樂學校)
Music High Certificate with Distinction 音樂高級證書[優異] (HKIIM 香港國際音樂學校)
- Handbell Pedagogy Certificate 手鈴教學法證書 (HK Handbell Academy 香港手鈴藝術學院)
- Music Therapy Education Workshop Certificate 音樂治療證書 (HKAME 香港音樂教育家協會)
- Vocal Training and Vocal Health Maintenance Certificate 聲音護理及保健證書 (HKAPA 香港演藝學院)
member of (所屬會員):
Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists, Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong Society for Education in Arts, Hong Kong Association for Music Educators,
Hong Kong Piano Teacher's Circle, Hong Kong Music Tutors Union
Hong Kong Professional Piano Education Association, Hong Kong International Pianist Association
香港鋼琴導師協會、香港音樂導師同盟會、香港鋼琴教育專業協會 、香港國際鋼琴家協會
* 廖氏為全職導師,自幼習畫,熱愛藝術音樂,榮獲多個藝術及音樂獎項。 * 廖氏的啟蒙老師是一位 畫家及雕塑家 胡文偉老師,自幼隨他習畫,熱愛藝術。 |
Artworks exhibition before: |
Part of schools, centers and corporate organizations that have taught/co-organized: |
Awards of Music:2020, Hong Konk Youth Performance Art and Development Association, Best Teacher Award 2016, 8th Hong Kong Cup Arts Festival (Music Contest), Open group, Gold Award 2014, HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival Piano Diploma Class, Certificate 2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,