小姐 (Artist Forest Founder, Course Director & Tutor
BTEC HND Design, AD Design,
Trinity ATCL Piano Recital, ABRSM G8 Piano(Merit) & Theory,
Dip Piano Performance, Dip Piano Pedagogy,
Cert Voice Training & Health Maintenance, Cert Handbell Pedagogy,
Cert Sport Metal Coaching, Madoka DIP Flower & MESF Cert,
Cert Sensory Integration Therapy, Cert Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder,

Contact or wtsappt: 6443 8001

- Psychology Degree 心理學學位 (Upper Iowa University 美國上愛荷華大學)
- Applied Psychology Diploma 應用心理學文憑 (HKBU SCE 浸會大學持續教育學院)
- Special Education Diploma 特殊教育文憑 (HKU Space香港大學專業進修學院)
- Applied Managment & Organiztional Psychology Certificate 應用管理及組織心理學證書 (HKBU SCE)
- Counseling & Psychotheraphy Certificate 輔導與心理治療導論證書 (HKBU SCE)
- Professional Certificate in Sport Mental Coaching 運動心理教練專業證書 (CityU Scope)
- Society of Professional Training Certificate 感覺統合基礎理論證書 (HKSPT)
- Society of Professional Training Certificate 認識感覺處理障礙證書 (HKSPT)
- Psychotheraphy Cert 精神治療與心理分析 (SP Study Center)

- UK Edexcel Level 5 BTEC Graphic Design HND Diploma 英國平面設計系高級國家文憑 (UK Edexcel BTEC)
- Graphic Design Associate Degree 平面設計系副學士學位 (Caritas Bianchi College of Careers)
- DIP Flower Diploma (Madoka Flower Design School, Japan)
- MESH Flower Diploma (Madoka Flower Design School, Japan)
- Projective Drawing Interpretation Certificate (SP Study Center)

- ATCL Piano Recital Level 4 Dip in Music Performance 鋼琴演奏文憑 (Trinity College London英國倫敦聖三一)
- G8 Piano Certificate with Merit 英國皇家音樂學院八級鋼琴[良好] (ABRSM英國皇家音樂學院)
- G8 Theory Certificate 英國皇家音樂學院八級樂理證書 (ABRSM英國皇家音樂學院)
- Best Teacher Award 傑出教師獎 (HKPYAF)
- Performance Piano Professional Diploma with Merit 鋼琴演奏專業文憑 (CUHK SCS)
- Vocal Training Certificate 聲樂訓練證書 (HKU Space香港大學專業進修學院)
- Piano Pedagogy Diploma with Merit 鋼琴教學文憑 (HKIIM 香港國際音樂學校)
- Music High Certificate with Distinction 音樂高級證書[優異] (HKIIM 香港國際音樂學校)
- Handbell Pedagogy Certificate 手鈴教學法證書 (HK Handbell Academy 香港手鈴藝術學院)
- Music Therapy Education Workshop Certificate 音樂治療證書 (HKAME 香港音樂教育家協會)
- Vocal Training and Vocal Health Maintenance Certificate 聲音護理及保健證書 (HKAPA 香港演藝學院)

member of (所屬會員):
Hong Kong Association of Art Therapists, Expressive Arts Therapy Association of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong Society for Education in Arts, Hong Kong Association for Music Educators,
Hong Kong Piano Teacher's Circle, Hong Kong Music Tutors Union
Hong Kong Professional Piano Education Association, Hong Kong International Pianist Association
香港鋼琴導師協會、香港音樂導師同盟會、香港鋼琴教育專業協會 、香港國際鋼琴家協會

* 廖氏為全職導師,自幼習畫,熱愛藝術音樂,榮獲多個藝術及音樂獎項。
* 19年教授經驗。
* 學生參加 ABRSM 英國皇家音樂考試 100%合格。
* 學生們大部份都考獲良好merit及優異distinction成績。
* 教授 西洋書法、畫畫、素描、手工、鋼琴、樂理 及各類興趣班。
* 教授 鋼琴初級至演奏級、流行鋼琴、四手聯彈、即興和聲演奏、詩歌彈奏及伴奏。

* 經驗教授幼童至長者,耐心教授,因材施教。
* 經驗教授名校學生,例如拔萃、華仁,私校及國際學校,學生成績優異。
* 經驗教授現職學校老師,增強他們的視覺藝術能力及提供興趣課程。
* 經驗教授SEN特殊學習需要的學生(K1-成人程度)及MI人士。
* 經驗教授92歲以上長者,了解他們的心態、情緒及需要。
* 經驗擔任詩琴及伴奏, 有合唱團 及音樂舞台劇演出經驗。

* Artist Forest 天音藝術 創辦人及總監,創立於2013年,發展教學及藝術教育,活躍於音樂及藝術行列。
* 上門教授,提供一條龍服務, 為不同類型的家庭/學生 提供更優質的藝術音樂教育。
* 為企業提供藝術及音樂培訓課程,曾與大型企業合作舉辦藝術課程活動。
* 豐富教學經驗於中學、小學、幼稚園、社區中心、畫室、琴行、教育機構、會所、老人院及私人授課。
* 藝術作品曾展出於: 香港會議展覽中心、大會堂、大專院校、社區會堂 及 私人機構。並刊登於HKCAA畫會年刊。

* 廖氏的啟蒙老師是一位 畫家及雕塑家 胡文偉老師,自幼隨他習畫,熱愛藝術。
* 其後跟隋莫一新老師學習素描。廖氏一生都在享受研究藝術繪畫及創作。
* 受 設計教育專家 林仲強先生及 設計師(mad studios創辦人)Brian Lau Yee Huan老師的啟發及指導,深思更多設計的元素概念。
* 在音樂路上,師承許耀東及陳祖慧老師學習鋼琴,並得到Groffrey Pratley, 黃偉榮老師的督導。考獲良好成績並於公開比賽中獲獎。
* 曾跟隨蘇偉雄博士、張樂聖及Bernard Hui老師學習樂理、作曲及Jazz Music。

* Ms Cherry Liu is a full-time tutor.
* She has studied painting since childhood, loves art and music, and has won many art and music awards.
* Since 2006, she started her teaching life.
* Nowadays, she is experience in teaching Interesting Course, especially in arts and music .

* 18 years teaching experience.
* Students who took the ABRSM Royal Music Examination were 100% qualified, and most of the students achieved good merit and distinction.

* She has taught at various school, arts and music studios, community centers and private students.
* She has taught students from age2 to retirees and also experienced in teaching special needs students and adults.
* Student’s performances have always been very outstanding and obtained excellent results.

* Ms Liu is the director of Artist Forest, founded in 2013, develops teaching and art design, and active in music and art.
* Provide art and music training courses for company, and have cooperated with company to organize art courses.

* Teaching Western calligraphy, painting, sketching, handicraft, piano, music theory and various interest classes.
* Teaching piano lessons from beginner to performance level, popular piano, four-hands, improvised harmony, church music and accompaniment.

* Experience teaching young children to the elderly, patiently to teach students of different age, understand students' problems and provide learning methods.
* Experience in teaching students from prestigious schools.
* Experience teaching the current school teachers, enhancing their visual arts abilities and offering courses of interest.
* Experience teaching students with special learning needs (K1 to Elderly).
* Experience as a church pianist and accompanist, experience in choir and musical performances.

Artworks exhibition before:
My artworks were exhibited at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, City Hall, colleges,
community centers and private showings, doing murals painting at Tai O Ferry Pier and artworks were published in art club yearbooks.



Part of schools, centers and corporate organizations that have taught/co-organized:
香海正覺蓮社佛教正覺蓮社學校、香海正覺蓮社佛教陳式宏學校 、樂智協會、K11 Atelier、Goji Studios …及私人機構等。

Awards of Music:

2020, Hong Konk Youth Performance Art and Development Association, Best Teacher Award

2016, 8th Hong Kong Cup Arts Festival (Music Contest), Open group, Gold Award

2014, HK Youth Barclampory Music Festival Piano Diploma Class, Certificate

2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chopin Nocturne, Bronze Award

2010, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 3th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Chinese Style(High-level group), Bronze Award
2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, 2009 Internaional Music and Compeition,
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award
2009, Hong Kong Cinese Arts Festival, The 4th Internaional Music and Compeition,
Bach (High-level group), Bronze Award
2009, The 15th Hong Kong- Asia Piano Open Competition,
Haydn Sonata Class (Preliminary), Certificate of Honour Award
… etc.
Awards of Arts:
2012, Planning Department, My Future HK Drawing Competition, Certificate

2010, Wai Ji Christian Service, Life Colored, Certificate

2009,TWGH Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly
Community Centre - Drawing Competition, Third With Certificate
2009, Madoka Flower Design School (Japan), MESH Flower- Beginner's Class, Diploma

2005, Hong Kong Communication Art Centre and MusicArts
Teenage T- Shirt Design Competition, Certificate

2004, Po Leung Kuk Quality Circle Assessment and Award Scheme ( for Art ), Gold Medal

1999, Senior Assistant Director Education Department
The Most Improved Primary Pupils Award Scheme
Parent - child Poster Design Competition, Certificate with Merit

Before 1998:
North District Town Hall drawing competition, Award

Hong Kong Children & Youth Services, Christmas card Design Competition, Winner

North District Town Hall, Christmas card Design Competition, Runner-up

Shell Hong Kong, drawing competition, Merit Award
